Interoperates dataclasses and TypedDict annotations with json objects for python
Documentation: https://dutradda.github.io/jsondaora
Source Code: https://github.com/dutradda/jsondaora
Key Features
- Full compatibility with dataclasses module and TypedDict annotation
- Deserialize values from dict
- Deserialize values from bytes*
- Deserialization/serialization of chosen fields
- Deserialize the following standard types: Dict, List, Tuple, Set, Union and Any
- Dict serialization
- Direct json serialization with orjson (don't convert to dict recursively before serialization)
- Optional validation according with the json-schema specification*
* feature in development.
- Python 3.8+
- orjson for json serialization
$ pip install jsondaora
Basic example
from typing import List, TypedDict from jsondaora import ( as_typed_dict, asdataclass, dataclass_asjson, jsondaora, typed_dict_asjson, ) @jsondaora class Person: name: str age: int class Music: name: str musics: List[Music] jsondict = dict(name=b'John', age='40', musics=[dict(name='Imagine')]) person = asdataclass(jsondict, Person) print('dataclass:') print(person) print(dataclass_asjson(person)) print() # TypedDict @jsondaora class MusicT(TypedDict): name: str @jsondaora class PersonT(TypedDict): name: str age: int musics: List[MusicT] jsondict = dict(name=b'John', age='40', musics=[dict(name='Imagine')]) person = as_typed_dict(jsondict, PersonT) print('TypedDict:') print(person) print(typed_dict_asjson(person, Person))
dataclass: Person(name='John', age=40, musics=[Person.Music(name='Imagine')]) b'{"name":"John","age":40,"musics":[{"name":"Imagine"}]}' TypedDict: {'name': 'John', 'age': 40, 'musics': [{'name': 'Imagine'}]} b'{"name":"John","age":40,"musics":[{"name":"Imagine"}]}'
Example for choose fields to deserialize
from typing import List, TypedDict from jsondaora import ( as_typed_dict, asdataclass, dataclass_asjson, jsondaora, typed_dict_asjson, ) @jsondaora(deserialize_fields=('name')) class Person: name: str age: int class Music: name: str musics: List[Music] jsondict = dict(name=b'John', age='40', musics=[dict(name='Imagine')]) person = asdataclass(jsondict, Person) print('dataclass:') print(person) print(dataclass_asjson(person)) print() # TypedDict @jsondaora class MusicT(TypedDict): name: str @jsondaora(deserialize_fields=('name',)) class PersonT(TypedDict): name: str age: int musics: List[MusicT] jsondict = dict(name=b'John', age='40', musics=[dict(name='Imagine')]) person = as_typed_dict(jsondict, PersonT) print('TypedDict:') print(person) print(typed_dict_asjson(person, PersonT))
dataclass: Person(name='John', age='40', musics=[{'name': 'Imagine'}]) b'{"name":"John","age":"40","musics":[{"name":"Imagine"}]}' TypedDict: {'name': 'John', 'musics': [{'name': 'Imagine'}], 'age': '40'} b'{"name":"John","musics":[{"name":"Imagine"}],"age":"40"}'
Example for choose fields to serialize
from typing import List, TypedDict from jsondaora import ( as_typed_dict, asdataclass, dataclass_asjson, jsondaora, typed_dict_asjson, ) @jsondaora(serialize_fields=('name', 'age')) class Person: name: str age: int class Music: name: str musics: List[Music] jsondict = dict(name='John', age=40, musics=[dict(name='Imagine')]) person = asdataclass(jsondict, Person) print('dataclass:') print(person) print(dataclass_asjson(person)) print() # TypedDict @jsondaora class Music(TypedDict): name: str @jsondaora(serialize_fields=('age',)) class PersonT(TypedDict): name: str age: int musics: List[Music] jsondict = dict(name=b'John', age='40', musics=[dict(name='Imagine')]) person = as_typed_dict(jsondict, PersonT) print('TypedDict:') print(person) print(typed_dict_asjson(person, PersonT))
dataclass: Person(name='John', age=40, musics=[Person.Music(name='Imagine')]) b'{"age":40,"name":"John"}' TypedDict: {'name': 'John', 'age': 40, 'musics': [{'name': 'Imagine'}]} b'{"age":40}'